Inside of environmental
tests, heating ovens are used to condition the samples to a specific positive temperatura,
drying or the accelerated aging of the samples.
Tempertaure range of the oven
are from room temperatur plus 10ºC, to +300ºC or 400ºC, and the volumes go from
the little to more than 3000 liters.
Some standards which use
this type of systems are: DIN 12 880, DIN 40046, DIN 58 945,
IEC 68-2-2, MIL-STD 810D, MIL-STD 883, MIL-STD 883C, etc.,
DYCOMETAL, company with over 25 years experience in developing
simulation chambers for environmental testing, offers customers AIR FORCED HEATING OVENS to carry out such tests.