
martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014

Cyclical corrosión Test, Volvo STD1027, 1375

One of the hardest cyclical corrosión test in the automotive industry is VOLVO STD 2037, 1375, referring to the corrosión test over coatings in automotive pieces.

The sample will be submitted under a changing climate, which will have 3 different cycles, combined with another 3 salt spray methods. The test conditions will change, depending of the method, between 60-90% R.H. and temperatura conditions of 45ºC in different stages of the cycle, and along the steps to follow.

Uno de los ensayos de corrosión cíclica más exigentes en la industria del automóvil es la normativa de Volvo STD1027, 1375, referente al ensayo de corrosión sobre recubrimientos sobre piezas de automóvil.

Volvo STD1027, 1375 chamber

DYCOMETAL, company with over 25 years experience in developing simulation chambers for environmental testing, offers customers CYCLICAL CORROSION TESTS CHAMBERS to carry out such tests.