
martes, 25 de octubre de 2016

PRODUCT BULLETIN: CCK-45/8000, Climatic Chamber for VW Tests

Two of the most difficult tests to comply in the automotive markets are the VW PV 1200 and VW PV 2005 standards. These standards require a specific control of the humidity during the cycle.

CCK-45/8000 is a climatic chamber with big dimensions to introduce several samples at the same time. The exterior system of the car has big dimensions, so the chamber has been designed with a big width to introduce the samples easily. The removable ramp facilitates the introduction of the samples to the workspace.

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DYCOMETAL, company with over 25 years of experience in the development of Chambers for environmental testing simulation, offers its customers the climatic chambers for automotive industry.

martes, 18 de octubre de 2016


The corrosion tests by condensation are oriented to know the behavior of the samples under conditions of high humidity and high temperature, checking if there is some type of defect in the protection facing an accelerated study.  The most common standards are: ISO-6270-2 and ASTM D2247, BS 3900,…

The chambers for condensation test are used in several markets like: automotive, burnish, paints, lights, glasses, etc.
CH-512 chamber has been designed to resolve the problem of the biggest samples. The design of the chamber allows to the customer to introduce from the smallest screws to the biggest lights.

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 DYCOMETAL, company with over 25 years of experience in the development of Chambers for environmental testing simulation, offers its customers humidostatic chambers.

jueves, 13 de octubre de 2016

PRODUCT BULLETIN: CETM-40/48, Benchtop Temperature Test chamber

Sometimes, the laboratories have space limitation and it’s not possible to install one climatic chamber of big dimensions. Another time, the quantity of the samples to test are not a lot, or the samples are not big, so it’s not necessary a big chambers. For these cases, the best solution is the BENCHTOP CHAMBERS.
DYCOMETAL has developed one line dedicated to these chambers with 4 options of volume: 48, 80, 81 and 125 liters. These equipments have the features of the bigger chambers but in a reduced space.

CETM-40/48 is one example of this production line. The chamber comes with the cooling group placed in the top of the chamber or below the workspace.  The chamber can be manufactured with the same temperature range like the bigger chambers, -70ºC, -40ºC to +150ºC or 180ºC.
The voltage of the chamber could be 220/230 V or 380/400 (other voltage are available).

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DYCOMETAL, company with over 25 years of experience in the development of Chambers for environmental testing simulation, offers its customers benchtop climatic chambers.

jueves, 6 de octubre de 2016

PRODUCT BULLETIN: AFA-200/125e, Forced Air Oven for Building Materials.

Building materials installed outdoors must withstand strong years climatic actions: rain, Sun, wind, ice, etc. In winter, are still experiencing large changes thermal in the cycle day/night. In summer, they are suffering the high temperatures and sun radiation. The building materials are investigated against the environmental aging in the laboratories to give the higher quality in the constructions. 

AFA-200/125e forced air oven, has been developed to simulate high temperatures in a concrete samples. The test requires of two equipment in order to test the extremes of the sample with different temperatures. The samples is placed in the lateral of the oven where is placed one portal to introduce inside of the workspace one of the extremes.  

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DYCOMETAL, company with over 25 years of experience in the development of Chambers for environmental testing simulation, offers its customers forced air heating ovens to do this test

domingo, 2 de octubre de 2016

PRODUCT BULLETIN: CCK-50/979m, Climatic Chamber for Electronic Industry

The increasing demand of the market of electronic components has generated a more demanding test, and control system to reduce warranty costs, as well as ensuring a quality to the end user in a competitive market.
By this reason, one of the points key for checking of it quality are the  environmental tests, between which stand out, the climatic tests, for the verification of the resistance of the  electronic  systems against the temperature and the humidity.

CCK-45/979m is an example of this capacity production. The chamber has been designed with a big    workspace to test several samples at the same time (Walk-in chamber), but without losing the capacity to move the chamber easily.

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DYCOMETAL, company with over 25 years of experience in the development of Chambers for environmental testing simulation, offers its customers the climatic chambers for the electronic industry.