
viernes, 20 de diciembre de 2013

Climatic Test Chambers

Climatic test reproduce the climatic conditions in temperature and humidity, to which the equipment or materials will be subjected during operation, transport or storage.

It’s necessary, do these tests in the validation plan of a new product or over its production, to evaluate equipment behavior, in its climatic use conditions, and prevent malfunctions in the market.

Climatic chambers simulate humidity and temperature conditions that will affect to the product along its lifetime.


·        Environmental simulation.
·        Accelerated aging.
·        Quality control.
·        Materials research.
·        Stability.
·        Humidity conditioning.
·        Controlled humidity and temperature storage.
·        Plants growing.
·        Seed germination.

DYCOMETAL, company with over 25 years experience in developing simulation chambers for environmental testing, offers customers Climatic Chambers to carry out such tests.