
jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2013

Kesternich Test Chamber

The DIN 50 018 standard give conditions for Kesternich Corrosion test. This test has been done to simulate industrial or urban atmosphere, by means of the formation of an artificial atmosphere, adding to the air Sulphurous Anhydrid, with or without carbon dioxide.

With the Kesternich’s Test we can get an artificial atmosphere with the best approximation to the results obtained when in sulphurous natural atmospheres some metals are expounded to it.

The Kesternich Test consists of a cycle of 24 hours slit in two parts: the first one consists of 8 hours with closed chamber and the pieces in its indoor, situated according to the Regulations and expounded to 40ºC inside of which 0,2 or 2 liters/ gr. of Sulphurous Anhydrid are introduced with a 100% of RH.

After this period of time, another stage of 16 hours goes on. In this stage the door is open, the heating is stopped and the pieces are exposed to the Ambiance Temperature of the air (according to SFW variant of the DIN 50.017/ 50.018). The test finishes when an inadmissible influence appears in the aspect of the expounded pieces or when the accorded number of cycles for the Test's duration has been reached.

DYCOMETAL, company with over 25 years experience in developing simulation chambers for environmental testing, offers customers Kesternich test chambers to carry out such tests.